The only “Enter At Your Own Risk” starring Carmen Valentina was made in 2010 & became one of Doctor Tampa’s most popular movies. Raya Nguyen saw “Enter At Your Own Risk” & immediately knew she wanted to be Carmen! In March 2021 Raya decided to make her 1st porn movies EVER with Doctor Tampa & insisted this be one of the movies she starred in! Raya wanted to take it one step further than the original by adding a sex scene! Additionally she wanted it to be her 1st sex scenes on the internet, so please enjoy Raya Nguyen 1st sex scenes on film & the internet EVER! In a house far far away… Raya Bennett was in need of money so she decided to start robbing homes. As she walks into her current victims house, little does she know she is soon to be the victim! As she walks through the house, she checks to make sure nobody is home... In the bedroom, she finds a bottle of the homeowner finds her with a soaked rag! Very soon as she awakens to find herself in a strange